If you would like a longer version of my CV as a PDF, you can find it here
2021- > University of Sussex
(DPhil Physics) -
2019-2020 > University of Edinburgh
(MSc Theoretical Physics) -
2016-2019 > King’s College London
(BSc Physics with Theoretical Physics) -
2013-2015 > Center for Higher Secondary Education
(A Levels)
Summer Project (2021): Parton Distribution Functions in Soft Collinear Effective Theory [ UoE ]
MSc Dissertation (2020) - A Composite Higgs Doublet From The CCWZ Approach [ UoE ]
BSc Final Year Project (2019) - Gravitational Waves From Non-Axisymmetric Neutron Stars [ KCL ]
Summer Internship (2018) - Cosmic Microwave Background Perturbations [ KCL ]
Awards & Honours
- King’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship (2018) [ KCL ]